You know the scenario: You are working with buyers to get a property successfully closed with the best possible outcome. 你的客户既兴奋又焦虑, and they are looking to you as their REALTOR® to be the “knower of all things.“这是理所当然的! 作为2021十大正规彩票app经纪人®, 你训练有素, 道德, and dedicated to continuing education and professionalism. So, here is a tip that will impress your clients while enabling them to avail themselves of one of the best property tax benefits available to Texas real estate buyers: the tax certificate.

31节.08 of the Texas Tax Code enables any person to request a statement of any delinquent taxes, 处罚, 感兴趣, 成本, and expenses currently due for a particular parcel of real estate. In today’s digital age, this sort of information can be relatively easy to find for a savvy buyer. But here is the beauty of the tax certificate: The law says that if a seller sells property accompanied by a statutory tax certificate that erroneously indicates there are no taxes due or that fails to include property because of its omission from an appraisal roll, then any existing tax lien on the property is extinguished, and the buyer is absolved of any liability for omitted balances or for taxes based on omitted property.

The tax certificate provides protection for your client in situations like these.

但是产权公司不会为买家处理这件事吗? Yes, which makes this tip especially important if your client is not using a title company. At the breakneck speeds the real estate market is moving these days, some buyers are succumbing to the pressure to forgo title insurance in exchange for a quick closing, especially in cash deals and transactions beyond the residential market. 然而, if there are taxes owed, the buyer is purchasing the property subject to that balance. 此外, 如果有一个未决的诉讼,以收取拖欠, 你的客户也会受到诉讼的影响. The tax certificate provides protection for your client in situations like these.

Perhaps best of all, tax certificates are easy and inexpensive to obtain. The tax collector for a taxing unit is required to issue a tax certificate for any taxing unit for which the collector collects. 例如, 在圣安东尼奥, the Bexar County tax assessor-collector collects for Bexar County, 圣安东尼奥市, 当地的学校和教育区, 医院的地区, 还有更小的公用事业和改善区. All of the information for each of the taxing units in which a property lies would be contained in a single tax certificate issued by the tax collector. If a property lies in an area in which more than one tax collector collects for various taxing units, 需要获得单独的税务证明. 然而, 每份证书的费用上限为10美元, 所以对于普通买家来说,这并不令人望而却步.

While unpaid taxes are typically not at the forefront of buyers’ and sellers’ imaginings, 这种并发症的可能性确实存在. 希望, 通过使用税务证明, 税收可以留在后台, so you can keep your clients’ focus where it should be: on the excitement of purchasing that new property.