德州2021十大正规彩票app经纪人®️ has once again achieved NAR’s Triple Crown, which recognizes state and local associations that meet state-specific RPAC fundraising goals.

REALTORS®️ across the state and association staff worked hard throughout 2022 to exceed the goals set for national RPAC fundraising, federal RPAC disbursements allocation, the number of major investors (1,217), the number of members in the President’s Circle (191), and percentage of members who invested in the PAC (40%). 总之, Texas raised 129% of its $5,425,000 national RPAC fundraising goal for 2022, bringing in a whopping $7 million for RPAC.

成员 of 德州2021十大正规彩票app经纪人®️ are proud of the association’s commitment to electing champions for real estate and private property rights. The association is also proud of 50 boards that won at the local level.

The Triple Crown will be presented in May at the REALTORS®️ Legislative Meeting & 贸易博览会.